Episode 23: Cultivating Clarity of Mind and Heart Amidst Great Change

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll Episode 23: Cultivating Clarity of Mind and Heart Amidst Great Change

Here is your May Practice Playlist

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Episode 22: Play as a Spiritual Practice to Reveal, Release and Ravish in YOUR Inner Artist and Creatrix

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll Episode 22: Play as a Spiritual Practice to Reveal, Release and Ravish in YOUR Inner Artist and Creatrix

Here is your May Practice Playlist

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Episode 21: Somatically and Spiritually Remembering that You Are Love: Liberation from Confusion and Illusion that you need to Earn and Prove your Worthiness

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Here you’ll find Episode 21: Somatically and Spiritually Remembering that You Are Love: Liberation from Confusion and Illusion that you need to Earn and Prove your Worthiness

I was visiting my parents in the moutains with limited service so this week’s episode was streamed on IG Live. Apologies ahead of time for the audio quality but the quality of the message makes up for what the tech lacks.

Here is your May Practice Playlist

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In Divine Love and Service,


Episode 19: Birthing Your Authentic Self-Expression + VOICE!

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 19: Birthing Your Authentic Self-Expression + VOICE!

*broken up into 2 parts because the 1st stream got cut off in the middle of it

Here is your May Practice Playlist

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Part 2:

Episode 17: Consecrating your Free Will to the Divine Will of your Higher Self & Being Seen

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 17: Consecrating your Free Will to the Divine Will of your Higher Self

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your April Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Spiritual Self-Care Practice this week including Somatic Movement and Journaling with your Higher Self.

I recommend clearing a space in your home or outside, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that you can really move, groove and express in. Take a few deep nourishing belly breaths to arrive and then let your natural breath lead you through your writing and movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels authentic, raw, real and nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompt:

  • Close your eyes and visualize a river of golden light running through your blood and bones. Let it be warm, nourishing, anointing and recognize it as the light and love of your Higher Self. Breathe with it, dance with it, let it move you and let yourself be moved by it for at least one song before dropping into journaling. Go for as long as you’d like. Let whatever needs to come forward to be EXPRESSED…BE EXPRESSED within the sovereignty, sacredness and sanctity of your Practice.

  • What is 1 way that you’ve alway wanted to move your body but due to self-judgement or fear that someone else would judge you for being “too much” or “not enough” you haven’t given yourself permission to fully explore….? Do it and DM me on instagram @bloodboneandhoney with how it goes ;)

  • For at least 1 song, do a Dance of Devotion with your Higher Self to somatically symbolize and tune all aspects of your consciousness in to your commitment to cultivating an even deeper Divine Union within you. In your movement, practice an unapologetic, uncensored, embodiment of your unique and multidimensional expression.

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What do I believe about the nature of Reality and My Life?

  • What am I Devoted to?

  • Where and how am I giving the currency of my consciousness to the truth of Unconditional Divine Love?

  • Where and how am I giving the currency of my consciousness to the disempowering program of Shame?

  • What self-talk have I been entertaining in my Mind, Body and Heart and does it feel good?

  • Where and how can I be in a more loving and compassionate self-dialogue?

  • What have I been tolerating in relationship that feels outdated?

  • What New Agreements need to be made in between me and my Higher Self within my personal life?

  • What New Agreements need to be made between me and my Higher Self within my professional life/vocation?

  • What identities, self-concepts, habits, routines and old ways of being and doing am I ready to shed?

  • What new conscious commitments am I ready to make?

  • What aspect of my Past Self within this Lifetime or Others wants to come forward and share wisdom to support my process of Higher Self Revelation and Realization? What do they have to say? What do they want to celebrate? What are they ready to receive quantum healing, compassion and forgiveness around?

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

You can check out The Devotional Drip Living Library of Higher Self Embodiment Transmissions here.
To apply to work with Sarah in a 1:1 Session or Private Coaching Container you can book your Complementary Clarity Call here.

Your Mindset is Your Magick: Spring Cleaning for Internal and External Abundance

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 15: Your Mindset is your Magick: Spring Cleaning for Internal and External Abundance

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your March Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Somatic Movement and Journaling Practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that gives you SPACE to move, express and take deep nourishing breaths. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • How does the Wealthy, Healthy and Easeful Expression of me want to Move?

  • Where/how can I worship the Living Miracle of Abundance that is my Human Body?

  • Practice connecting to the earth with your movement as you Inhale Support and Belonging and Exhale and Discharge Fear, Doubt and Scarcity.

Somatic Journal Prompts/Activities:

  • Prompt 1: Write an empowering letter to yourself about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you feel your higher self and the divine calling you. 

  • Activity/Prompt 2: Block out a few hours for yourself this week to go spend time in nature, the creatures, the elements and your Higher Self. Notice your thoughts and feelings and write them down in your journal. This is what we call in the Blood, Bone and Honey Private Mentorship Program “The Conscious Dump.” Don’t Judge it, just let it out, perhaps exploring going between journaling, breathing and moving your body. Write from your blood, bones and breath for about 3 pages. Then from a compassionate Witness perspective, read back through your writing and circle what feels like the “tender treasure” of your personal task work right now. Find and name what’s outdated in order to transmute it. Consider it like cleaning out and taking inventory of the closets of your body, heart and mind so that you can create new space, ditch what you no longer need and reorganize.

  • Prompt 3: Based on what came through for Prompt 2, I invite you to ask yourself: What outdated stories and programs are out of Resonance with the truth of who I am as an expression of Abundance, Health, Wealth and Potential?

    For each of the outdated stories, write a new Higher Self Agreement in the form of beliefs that you’re ready to not only try on in consciousness but take action in alignment with.

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

Integrating the Past and Surrendering to your Highest Path

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Creatives, Leaders, Visionaries and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 13: ReSourcing your Light and Emerging from the Cave

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your March Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Somatic Movement and Journaling Practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that gives you SPACE to move, express and take deep nourishing breaths. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • How do my ancestors want to communicate to me through movement and dance?

  • How do the words “wild, fierce and free” inspire me to move my body?

  • Allow the prompt, “I open to receive” to inspire your movement.

  • Allow the prompt, “I release control” to inspire your movement.

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What am I ready to let go of within myself?

  • What am I read to accept within myself?

  • What am I ready to forgive within myself?

  • What am I healing within my lineage?

  • What is the deepest prayer on my heart right now?

  • Where can I surrender?

  • What tools would be supportive to reSource myself with at this time?

  • What do I want, Now?

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

ReSourcing your Light and Emerging from the Cave

The Devotional drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Creatives, Leaders, Visionaries and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 13: ReSourcing your Light and Emerging from the Cave

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your March Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Somatic Movement and Journaling Practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that gives you SPACE to move, express and take deep nourishing breaths. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • Create a Cave and Rest (Savasana, Makarasana or Balasana also known as Childs Pose can be nice to create a “cave like” feeling for the creature that is us. A quick google of each will give you a how to) 

  • Do a Cave Dance (watch the episode to know what i’m referring to)

  • Do a Dance to Come out of the Cave 

  • Do a Dance Embodying the Light of your Higher Self while lovingly eye gazing in the mirror 

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What has the Cave taught me/What is it here to teach me, Now?

  • What have I been considering/curious about doing/starting that I can take action around as a devotion and spell?

  • Where/how can I notice, celebrate and focus on more of the light in my life?

  • What brings me joy?

  • What makes me laugh?

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

The Art of Higher Self Embodiment

The Devotional drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment & Personal Development Coaching Series for Creatives, Leaders, Visionaries + Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression + Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal & professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 12: The Art of Higher Self Embodiment

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your February Practice Playlist (updated weekly!) I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist & Somatic Movement + Journal Prompts Below to inspire your practice.

Somatic movement invites you to move from the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks” externally. Somatic journaling invites you to write from connection to the body & breath + let what needs to come forward come forward without judgement.

It can be helpful to blast some music while in your self-connection, inquiry & discovery practice (hence the practice playlist) + I recommend closing your eyes & connecting to your breath + organic movement to find your groove. (you got this!)

This can be whatever it needs to be for you. There are no rules. This is YOUR self-care practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom + the kind of movement & writing that feels self-nourishing + authentic to you shine through.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • Where can I open to the blood-full-ness of feeling?

  • What happens when I stop gripping my bones and trust that I am supported by the earth beneath me?

  • What kind of movement feels like sweet, sweet, love-making to my body, heart, mind and soul?

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • Blood: What does the wisdom and aliveness of my blood want to reveal to me about how I Am prepared and supported already on my journey?

  • Bone: What is 1 thing I can commit to every day as an act of self-care to connect with my Higher Self and the Beloved within me?

  • Honey: How can I honor myself as a work of art and my life as a canvas?

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

How to Meet your "Blocks" as Portals

The Devotional drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment & Personal Development Coaching Series for Creatives, Leaders, Visionaries + Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression + Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal & professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 11: How to Meet your “Blocks” as Portals

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your February Practice Playlist (updated weekly!) I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist & Somatic Movement + Journal Prompts Below to inspire your practice.

Somatic movement invites you to move from the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks” externally. Somatic journaling invites you to write from connection to the body & breath + let what needs to come forward come forward without judgement.

It can be helpful to blast some music while in your self-connection, inquiry & discovery practice (hence the practice playlist) + I recommend closing your eyes & connecting to your breath + organic movement to find your groove. (you got this!)

This can be whatever it needs to be for you. There are no rules. This is YOUR self-care practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom + the kind of movement & writing that feels self-nourishing + authentic to you shine through.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • Where can I open to receive breath?

  • Where can I release gripping?

  • How can I support my body on the earth?

  • What does “allowing” feel like through movement?

  • How would faith & trust invite me to move?

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What becomes possible or more clear when I meet this block as a portal inviting me into MORE of my Power?

  • How can I play more Higher Self Tag-Team with my block(s) as a part of my process of Empowerment?

  • How is this block also simultaneously my medicine? 

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

3 Acts of Self-Care for Self-Intimacy

The Devotional drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment & Personal Development Coaching Series for Creatives, Leaders, Visionaries + Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression + Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal & professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 9: 3 Acts of Self-Care for Self-Intimacy

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your February Practice Playlist (updated weekly!)

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist & Somatic Movement + Journal Prompts Below to inspire your practice.

Somatic movement invites you to move from the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks” externally.

Somatic journaling invites you to write from connection to the body & breath + let what needs to come forward come forward without judgement.

It can be helpful to blast some music while in your self-connection, inquiry & discovery practice (hence the practice playlist) + I recommend closing your eyes & connecting to your breath + organic movement to find your groove. (you got this!)

This can be whatever it needs to be for you. There are no rules. This is YOUR self-care practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom + the kind of movement & writing that feels self-nourishing + authentic to you shine through.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • How do I NEED to move?

  • How do I DESIRE to move?

  • How do I LOVE to move?

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What do I need?

    • Your 1st Act of Self Care to Cultivate Self-Intimacy is meeting the need or needs that came forward. Start with one. The easiest one. Build that trust, like, reliability with yourself, then try the next.

  • What do I desire?

    • Your 2nd Act of Self-Care to Cultivate Self-Intimacy is to provide an experience for yourself this week to come alive in your desire. 

  • What do I love?

    • Your 3rd Act of Self-Care to Cultivate Self-Intimacy is Self-Romance and this week i’m going to invite you to consider how you can infuse a little more romance into your every day life as ritual and ceremony honeeeeey.

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you celebrate yourself :)

Your Throat is a Temple & Your Words are Spells: What are You Creating, Expressing & Manifesting?

Welcome to The Devotional Drip is a free Higher Self Embodiment & Personal Development Coaching Series to Ignite your Higher Self Connection, Support your non-linear journey of Healing, Awakening + Becoming & Inspire your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal + professional life.

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 9 of The Devotional Drip we are exploring, "Your Throat is a Temple & Your Words are Spells: What are You Creating, Expressing + Manifesting? 

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your February Practice Practice Playlist

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist & Somatic Movement Prompts Below to inspire your practice.

Somatic movement invites us to focus on the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks.”

It can be helpful to blast some music (hence the practice playlist) & close your eyes to get in your groove. Your movement practice can be whatever it needs to for you.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom + the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing & authentic to you.

Once you feel complete, you can move on to your Somatic Journal Prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle & season.

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts:

  • Somatic Movement Prompt: How does my body want to express from a space of compassion, creativity & courageous self-expression?

  • Movement that opens up the chest, heart & throat can be really supportive here. You can also use Lions Breath as we practiced on Devotional Drip Episode 9 above. Make sounds as you move and take deep belly breaths.

  • Start by allowing your body to show you what you’re ready to release in relationship to your Sovereign Self-Expression. Be your own Sacred Witness. No rushing, forcing, pushing or judging. Just allow + from that place of self-permission, witness what comes forward. If you feel called to make some notes during your movement practice in your journal, you’re welcome to. I find that sometimes the most profound downloads come through when we’re moving!

  • Then allow your body to show you what you’re ready to claim + receive in relationship to your Sovereign Self-Expression. What Higher Self-Expression or Identity are you ready to take on & how does that want to EXPRESS through your body?

    Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts:

  • Consider what needs to be celebrated, purified &/or upgraded in the way you communicate + express through the following prompts: 

    1. How am I speaking to myself about myself? 

    2. How am I speaking to myself about my current reality and vision that I am growing into?

    3. How am I speaking to others about myself?

    4. How am I speaking to others about my life?

    5. How am I speaking to others?

    6. What am I speaking about others?  

If you’d like to share your insights below or send me an email, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: Being a Safe, Nurturing and Courageous Space for Yourself

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and youtube series where you are invited to experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring, "Being a Safe, Nurturing and Courageous Space for Yourself”

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your January Practice Practice Playlist

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist and Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts below to inspire your own sacred and somatic movement practice. Your movement practice can be whatever it needs to for you. Sacred and somatic movement are about the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks.”

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing and authentic to you.

Once you feel complete, you can move on to your Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts:

  • What feeling and truth have I been repressing/avoiding within me that needs to be expressed NOW through movement and breath? (What do you need to scream, cry, orgasm, laugh and shake your ass about, goddess?)

  • How does my Inner Mother want to express, love and care for me through my movement?

  • What kind of movement creates safety and security in my body?

  • How can I move in a way that feels deeply nurturing?

  • How does courage want to express through my movement?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts:

  • How is my innermost being asking to be cared for and nurtured (mothered) in alignment with my Highest Good at this time?

  • What courageous steps/action do I need to support myself in taking/making right now?

  • What support do I need to provide / create for myself as I navigate my current circumstances and align my intention and action with my Highest Vision?

  • What disempowered old story am I ready to offer to my own Inner Mother for soothing and reframing?

  • What is the Higher Self and Inner Mother empowered truth and reframe about that story?

  • Write a statement of commitment and devotion to mothering yourself inspired by what you journaled and put it somewhere you will see it regularly.

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: The Myth of the Perfect Moment (Pst it's Now..)

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and youtube series where you are invited to experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring, "The Myth of the Perfect Moment"

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your Higher Self Embodiment December Practice Playlist

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist and Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts to inspire your own sacred and somatic movement practice. Your movement practice can be whatever it needs to for you. Sacred and somatic movement are about the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks.”

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing and authentic to you.

Once you feel complete, you can move on to your Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts:

  • What is shedding/burning/rinsing/releasing within me?

  • What is growing/blooming/emerging within me?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts:

  • What heart-truth, soul-truth and Higher Self Truth is Emerging from deep within me?

  • What am I being called to surrender on the path of liberation?

  • What basic needs do I need to meet for myself in order to create a safe and grounded container for my transformation?

  • What action do I feel inspired to take?

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: Committing to Change - The Sacred Art of Devotion

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and corresponding youtube series where you are invited to explore and experience and deeper relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

This is the final video of a 3 part series where have been exploring topics like Self-Care, Leadership and Committing to Change.

Within this video series you'll get a taste of the deeper level content that we'll be going into within my Signature Multidimensional Self-Care Mastermind for Leaders of Light, Emerge so if you're feeling moved, inspired or curious consider that as a part of your self qualification process for this program. You can read more and apply for the program here.

Before diving into today’s video, Committing to Change-The Sacred Art of Devotion, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with a Higher Self Embodiment Exercise to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompt:

What call to change am I ready to answer and lean into with Higher Self Embodied Presence and Faith-Full Devotion?

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: Self-Care for Higher Self Embodied Leadership

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and corresponding youtube series where you are invited to explore and experience and deeper relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

This is the second video of a special 3 part series where we will be exploring topics like Self-Care, Leadership and Committing to Change. If you’re a part of the Newsletter Coven you’ll receive a notification every time a new video goes live. If your’e not a part of the Newsletter Coven you can join here.

Within this video series you'll get a taste of the deeper level content that we'll be going into within my Signature Multidimensional Self-Care Mastermind for Leaders of Light, Emerge so if you're feeling moved, inspired or curious consider that as a part of your self qualification process for this program. You can read more and apply for the program here.

But regardless of whether or not Emerge is right for you, my intention, as always, is to deliver high value, Higher Self Embodiment hot tips and takes to support you on your ever-unfolding journey of healing, awakening and becoming.

Before diving into today’s video, Transformational Self-Care for Higher Self Embodied Leadership I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with a Higher Self Embodiment Exercise to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompt: Where am I ready to grow?

Higher Self Affirmations to work with in your Practice:

"When I take care of myself, I transform my relationship with myself"

"When I take care of myself, I transform my relationship to my mission"

"When I take care of myself, I show up as an embodied leader"

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompt: Where can I bring presence to activate my power?

Here is your BB&H November Practice Playlist

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: Topical vs Transformational Self-Care

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and corresponding youtube series where you are invited to explore and experience and deeper relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

Today Devotional Drip Kicks off a series of 3 videos where we will be exploring topics like Self-Care, Leadership and Committing to Change. If you’re a part of the Newsletter Coven you’ll receive a notification every time a new video goes live.

Within this video series over the next week you'll get a taste of the deeper level content that we'll be going into within my Signature Multidimensional Self-Care Mastermind for Leaders of Light, Emerge so if you're feeling moved, inspired or curious consider that as a part of your self qualification process for this program. You can read more and apply for the program here.

But regardless of whether or not Emerge is right for you, my intention, as always, is to deliver high value, Higher Self Embodiment hot tips and takes to support you on your ever-unfolding journey of healing, awakening and becoming.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with a Higher Self Embodiment Exercise to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Holy Homework:

In a journal or in your notes on your phone in a sentence or two, write out what's really been getting you recently.

It’s that self-limiting belief, story or program that's really grinding your gears.

Maybe it's the disempowering voice of the inner critic or inner punisher, or a habit or way of doing or being that you're ready to shift.

Then I invite you to write out 3 tangible actions you can take as an act of Transformational Self-Care to spark the internal shift within yourself that will resonate as an external shift within your life.

Consider what would feel delicious, grounding, stabilizing, activating and expanding for you in this current moment of your journey.

And if you'd like, you're welcome to drop those in the comments below to share it with me and inspire other Earth Angels who are ready to embark on their Transformational Self-Care journey as well. We love a little coven accountability.

In Divine Love and Service,


The Devotional Drip: The Invitation of Personal Transformation

Welcome to “The Devotional Drip” a blog and corresponding youtube series where we explore and experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with our Higher Self across the altars of our personal and professional lives. As we come into a next level of intimacy and familiarity with own inner voice of divine love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, discernment, grace, compassion, beauty, unlimited creativity, divine solutions and sovereignty (Our Higher Self) we remember, we are both the key and the keeper and the answers we’ve been looking for can be found when we are willing to go within and listen.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring, "The Invitation of Personal Transformation"

I channeled this around the Aries 2021 Full Moon so the essence of this transmission is fiery, passionate, motivated & direct.

Aries is a cardinal sign that kicks off not only the spring season but the zodiac wheel.

Some say Aries leads with no prior inherited wisdom as it is the first sign in the zodiac, but what Aries resonates for me is the "I am" who hasn't forgotten that they have the power to create whatever it is that they want for their life.

They are connected to their own self-Source & with confidence in that, they lead from that place Higher Self Embodied knowing, their atoms dancing with the memory of powerful I Am Source that they are + come from.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts: Here is your playlist. Use this playlist + movement prompts below to inspire your own “sacred movement practice.” Your sacred movement practice can look, feel or be whatever it needs to for you. I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes and letting the prompts below inspire your movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. It could be for 1 song, it could be for 3 or more. The movement can be big or small, fast or slow, listen to your bodies wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing. Once you feel complete, you can move on to the journal prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

  • Start by shaking, dislodging + letting go of all resistance to movement. Shaking is a somatic practice that supports us in nervous system regulation.

  • From a disarmed place explore: when I give myself permission to transform, how do I move?

  • What feels frozen within me & where can I allow the warmth of my Higher Self awareness, witness, breath + movement in to melt the stuckness?

  • How does the version of myself I am becoming express through their movement?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts: In a journal, answer the following prompts below.

  1. When I give myself permission to want beyond fear-based conditioning, what do I actually desire for my life now?

  2. 3 reasons why this/these desires are possible:

  3. In order to meet the call of this holy, sacred + divinely delivered desire, what is the transformation that is calling me?

  4. How am I resisting this transformation?

  5. Where can I lean in, surrender + participate more actively in this transformation re-Sourcing faith in my Higher Self & personal path?

  6. What is 1 tangible aligned action I can take to facilitate this transformation:

  7. Additional Higher Self Wisdom on this: (close your eyes, listen through feeling + then write from your body, specifically tuning into your belly & lower three chakras)

If you’d like, share what came through for you in the comments altar to join the conversation + connect with other members of the Blood, Bone & Honey coven.

The Devotional Drip: Awakening to Eternal, Unconditional + Divine Love from Within

Welcome to “The Devotional Drip” a blog and corresponding youtube series where we explore and experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with our Higher Self across the altars of our personal and professional lives. As we come into a next level of intimacy and familiarity with own inner voice of divine love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, discernment, grace, compassion, beauty, unlimited creativity, divine solutions and sovereignty (Our Higher Self) we remember, we are both the key and the keeper and the answers we’ve been looking for can be found when we are willing to go within and listen.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring awakening to eternal & unconditional Divine love from within.

I channeled this transmission around the Libra 2021 New Moon so there is big focus on revolutionizing our relationships with self, others & the divine through devotion to living from the eternal love of the heart so that we can create more beauty + harmony in our lives but is delivered in a way to be relevant no matter what point you come across this in your journey of self-actualization, spiritual-maturity, spiritual-awakening & Higher Self Embodiment.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts: Here is your playlist. Use this playlist + movement prompts below to inspire your own “sacred movement practice.” Your sacred movement practice can look, feel or be whatever it needs to for you. I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes and letting the prompts below inspire your movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. It could be for 1 song, it could be for 3 or more. The movement can be big or small, fast or slow, listen to your bodies wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing. Once you feel complete, you can move on to the journal prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

  • What does the presence of Divine Love within me feel like?

  • When I move from heart, what kind of beauty do I create with my body & breath?

  • What does faith + devotion in & to Divine Love look like/feel like in the form of movement?

  • Where/how can I surrender to let Divine Love & My Higher Self hold + guide me in my movement?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts: In a journal, answer the following prompts below.

  1. How am I currently showing up to the altar of the relationship with myself & what offerings am I bringing that I want to celebrate?

  2. How am I being called to deepen my relationship with myself, especially the parts of myself that are screaming out for Higher Self attention & an anointing of Divine love NOW?

  3. How am I showing up to the altar of my personal, cultivated, relationship with the Divine/My Higher Self & what offerings am I bringing/devotions am I making to that currently?

  4. How am I now ready to deepen my relationship with the Divine/My Higher Self so that I can surrender & receive a next level of the Divine love + guidance that is available to me in all moments, always?

  5. How am I showing up to the altars of my relationships with others & what offerings am I bringing that I want to celebrate?

  6. What is now clear that I need to make a devotion to doing/being/embodying/speaking in terms of my relationship with others so that I can operate from a place of sovereignty, presence, co-creation, communion & connection that is interdependent vs codependent?

If you’d like, share what came through for you in the comments altar to join the conversation + connect with other members of the Blood, Bone & Honey coven.

Ps. Here is the practice I spoke of in the video, “Beginning Anew.” I told you it was well worn, lol! You can also access it here.


The Devotional Drip: Liberate & Surrender to your Higher Self Vision

Welcome to “The Devotional Drip” a blog and corresponding youtube series where we explore and experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with our Higher Self across the altars of our personal and professional lives. As we come into a next level of intimacy and familiarity with own inner voice of divine love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, discernment, grace, compassion, beauty, unlimited creativity, divine solutions and sovereignty (Our Higher Self) we remember, we are both the key and the keeper and the answers we’ve been looking for can be found when we are willing to go within and listen.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are celebrating the 2021 Harvest Full Moon in Dreamy, Watery, Visionary, Romantic, Imaginative Pisces and the oncoming of the Vernal (Spring) or Fall (Autumnal) Equinox, depending on where you currently are residing on Planet Earth.

Below you’ll find a video with a channeled message for this Full Moon and oncoming Equinox.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Affirmations to work with:

Green Tara: I Think, Act & Live from my Heart

Lilith: From a place of Worthiness, I Chose & Create my Life

Perception: I See through the Inner Eye of my Heart + Higher Self

Liberation: I cut through fear-based illusion by choosing the Potential of Love

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts: Here is your playlist. Use this playlist + movement prompts below to inspire your own “sacred movement practice.” Your sacred movement practice can look, feel or be whatever it needs to for you. I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes and letting the prompts below inspire your movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. It could be for 1 song, it could be for 3 or more. The movement can be big or small, fast or slow, listen to your bodies wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing. Once you feel complete, you can move on to the journal prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

  • Where can I dissolve the boundary to love? (use your breath)

  • How can my body reflect back to me the truth of who I Am as an expression of love? (let your movement mirror back to you what love can look like & feel like)

  • What have I been feeling internally that wants to express itself through my body as an act of self-love? (bring the unseen into seen)

  • What does my inner Higher Self vision & dream for my life look like represented through movement? (stay open, weave the web, tell the story of your heart)

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts: In a journal, answer the following prompts below.

  1. What old stories, self-identities or beliefs have been influencing and directing my life that are out of resonance with the true of who I Am as an unlimited, unique, expression, of the Divine & are ready to dissolve NOW in highest service to my hearts vision for my life?

  2. From the perception & perspective of your Higher Self, re-write the old stories, self-identities and beliefs that came forward in the last prompt as a form of self-devotion to love over fear, truth over illusion + potential over pathology:

Read these new agreements you just made with yourself out loud & let them wash over you like a ritual bath for your consciousness. To amplify, write them out on a sheet of paper, adorn it + place it on your altar to revisit daily. I recommend revisiting these new agreements every day for 30 days in a row to support the re-programming process.

3. In liberating myself from these outdated stories, self-identities & beliefs what Higher Self dream or vision for my life am I NOW ready to claim? (From the inner vision, perception & liberation of your Lilith + Green Tara infused Higher Self Vision, chose the one that feels the most yummy & vulnerable)

4. In bringing my dream/vision into form, what are 3 enlightened actions I can take in alignment with the life i'm dreaming into being for my highest good & the highest good of those I am here to serve?

5. In bringing my dream/vision into form, how is my Higher Self calling me to romance myself daily so that I can pour into my life from a full cup of Source/Self-Love?

6. In bringing my dream/vision into form, what is my Higher Self calling me to commit to daily so that I can awaken my imagination/inner artist/muse + create in my life from a place of passion, purpose & divine inspiration?

If you’d like, share what came through for you in the comments altar to join the conversation + connect with other members of the Blood, Bone & Honey coven.