Your Throat is a Temple & Your Words are Spells: What are You Creating, Expressing & Manifesting?

Welcome to The Devotional Drip is a free Higher Self Embodiment & Personal Development Coaching Series to Ignite your Higher Self Connection, Support your non-linear journey of Healing, Awakening + Becoming & Inspire your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal + professional life.

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 9 of The Devotional Drip we are exploring, "Your Throat is a Temple & Your Words are Spells: What are You Creating, Expressing + Manifesting? 

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your February Practice Practice Playlist

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist & Somatic Movement Prompts Below to inspire your practice.

Somatic movement invites us to focus on the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks.”

It can be helpful to blast some music (hence the practice playlist) & close your eyes to get in your groove. Your movement practice can be whatever it needs to for you.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom + the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing & authentic to you.

Once you feel complete, you can move on to your Somatic Journal Prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle & season.

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts:

  • Somatic Movement Prompt: How does my body want to express from a space of compassion, creativity & courageous self-expression?

  • Movement that opens up the chest, heart & throat can be really supportive here. You can also use Lions Breath as we practiced on Devotional Drip Episode 9 above. Make sounds as you move and take deep belly breaths.

  • Start by allowing your body to show you what you’re ready to release in relationship to your Sovereign Self-Expression. Be your own Sacred Witness. No rushing, forcing, pushing or judging. Just allow + from that place of self-permission, witness what comes forward. If you feel called to make some notes during your movement practice in your journal, you’re welcome to. I find that sometimes the most profound downloads come through when we’re moving!

  • Then allow your body to show you what you’re ready to claim + receive in relationship to your Sovereign Self-Expression. What Higher Self-Expression or Identity are you ready to take on & how does that want to EXPRESS through your body?

    Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts:

  • Consider what needs to be celebrated, purified &/or upgraded in the way you communicate + express through the following prompts: 

    1. How am I speaking to myself about myself? 

    2. How am I speaking to myself about my current reality and vision that I am growing into?

    3. How am I speaking to others about myself?

    4. How am I speaking to others about my life?

    5. How am I speaking to others?

    6. What am I speaking about others?  

If you’d like to share your insights below or send me an email, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,
