The Devotional Drip: Topical vs Transformational Self-Care

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and corresponding youtube series where you are invited to explore and experience and deeper relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

Today Devotional Drip Kicks off a series of 3 videos where we will be exploring topics like Self-Care, Leadership and Committing to Change. If you’re a part of the Newsletter Coven you’ll receive a notification every time a new video goes live.

Within this video series over the next week you'll get a taste of the deeper level content that we'll be going into within my Signature Multidimensional Self-Care Mastermind for Leaders of Light, Emerge so if you're feeling moved, inspired or curious consider that as a part of your self qualification process for this program. You can read more and apply for the program here.

But regardless of whether or not Emerge is right for you, my intention, as always, is to deliver high value, Higher Self Embodiment hot tips and takes to support you on your ever-unfolding journey of healing, awakening and becoming.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with a Higher Self Embodiment Exercise to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Holy Homework:

In a journal or in your notes on your phone in a sentence or two, write out what's really been getting you recently.

It’s that self-limiting belief, story or program that's really grinding your gears.

Maybe it's the disempowering voice of the inner critic or inner punisher, or a habit or way of doing or being that you're ready to shift.

Then I invite you to write out 3 tangible actions you can take as an act of Transformational Self-Care to spark the internal shift within yourself that will resonate as an external shift within your life.

Consider what would feel delicious, grounding, stabilizing, activating and expanding for you in this current moment of your journey.

And if you'd like, you're welcome to drop those in the comments below to share it with me and inspire other Earth Angels who are ready to embark on their Transformational Self-Care journey as well. We love a little coven accountability.

In Divine Love and Service,
