The Devotional Drip: Committing to Change - The Sacred Art of Devotion

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and corresponding youtube series where you are invited to explore and experience and deeper relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

This is the final video of a 3 part series where have been exploring topics like Self-Care, Leadership and Committing to Change.

Within this video series you'll get a taste of the deeper level content that we'll be going into within my Signature Multidimensional Self-Care Mastermind for Leaders of Light, Emerge so if you're feeling moved, inspired or curious consider that as a part of your self qualification process for this program. You can read more and apply for the program here.

Before diving into today’s video, Committing to Change-The Sacred Art of Devotion, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with a Higher Self Embodiment Exercise to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompt:

What call to change am I ready to answer and lean into with Higher Self Embodied Presence and Faith-Full Devotion?

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,
