Higher Self Embodiment sessions, readings & energy attunements

Available worldwide

In the Blood, Bone & Honey Mystery School we celebrate, guide and support Multi-Passionate Lightworkers, Visionary Entrepreneurs, Heart-Based Leaders and Paradigm Shifting Creatives through ceremonial coaching containers, psychic readings and energey attunements to support you in your Higher Self Embodiment so that you can take action in your relationships, self-care and purpose work from spiritual empowerment, magnetic confidence and radical self-respect.

Come to the Blood, Bone & Honey Temple to cultivate intimate self-belonging, radical self-response(ability), liberated self-confidence, root level self-compassion and Higher Self trust that will support you in meeting the BIGNESS of your Divine Purpose and divinely deliver you to a metamorphosis at the atomic level of your Soul. No biggie!

I haven’t felt someone so truly have their whole being there with me while I moved through tough emotional journeys like Sarah has. If you’re looking for transformation in a safe container then this is the place to go. Sarah invites you to be more, but more authentically you; to up-level yourself. Sarah invited me to take steps back into my spiritual practice, back to myself and back to my ancestors through me.
— Fern, Private Mentorship Client

Revolutionary self-love in a world that profits off of self-hate is a right of passage to move beyond cycles of suffering into your next awakening.

As your Higher Self Embodiment Doula, I support you in exploring, birthing and embodying your most authentic and multidimensional Higher Self Expression.

As you activate next depths of your authentic voice, tap into your source-given power, hone your intuitive gifts, develop your psychic senses, devotionally tend to the landscape of your inner and outer realms and take courageous, aligned, action in your daily life, your relationship to self, community and your purpose work will deepen, upgrade and ascend in response.

Vibration proceeds manifestation, and the good news/sometimes hard to swallow truth, is that this is YOUR LIFE, YOUR PATH, YOUR JOURNEY, YOUR AWAKENING, YOUR HEALING, YOUR EMPOWERMENT and it alllllll starts and ends with you, baby.

You need to become the vibrational match for what you want to create in your life, and in the Blood, Bone and Honey Mystery School, we support you in the sacred surrender of being sculpted, shaped, transformed and initiated by Divine Love and your Higher Self.

Together we will support you in transmuting and transcending . . . . . . .

self-doubt to courageous self-belonging, so that you can feel at home and ease wherever you are and however your Higher Self is calling you to be seen.

self-censorship to authentic self-expression, so that you can live from your Higher Self-Identity in relationship with yourself and your purpose work.

self-judgement to radical self-permission to be powerful and in process at the same time so that you stop cutting off parts of yourself for being "too much” or not enough.

imposter syndrome to embodied self-permission to shine so that you can live your highest timeline from a place of Higher Self-Authority (aka authorship)

people-pleasing to true self-kindness so that you can embody your non-negotiable, can't be earned or proven SELF WORTH.

spinning out to Higher self-regulated so that you can make your next moves from a place of peace and empowerment.

ruminating on your current reality to radical self-acceptance so that you can stop manifesting the past and harness the potential of the present moment.

Blood, Bone & Honey Coaching, Consulting and Private Mentorship Containers are here to support you in living from the truth that YOU ARE YOUR HIGHER SELF, re(sourced) in mind, body, heart, nervous system and spirit.

Below you'll find booking options to begin or continue deepening your journey of Higher Self Embodiment.

Make me your magick 8 ball reading $55

This is a pre-recorded reading personalized and channeled for you and delivered to your inbox. And/or, you also have the option to gift a reading to a friend. The checkout is the same for both.


Quantum Quickie Session $75

When you need a higher self embodiment doula to hold space for your rebirth, but you only have 30 mins to get ‘er done and you want some in and out psychic channeling, coaching and consulting from a witch you trust that’s gonna get to the divine point. Jump a timeline or two, receive a full card reading and reflection of your Higher Self power and potential so that you can align with the next best steps for you on your personal and professional paths.


power hour session $150

For when life is serving tender "blocks" and you need clarity, coaching and channeling around how to meet them as portals to your power. Your Power Hour Session, Reading and Attunement will support you in putting down what doesn't serve you and moving in the direction of your highest good.


breakthrough session $275

You feel the next level of your Purpose calling you forward and want to meet it Embodied with your Higher Self at the helm. You feel on a SOUL LEVEL that you are here to serve a Divine Purpose and you're looking for a fiercely loving space held for a block to become a breakthrough.

Your Higher Self Embodiment Breakthrough Session is for you when:

-You've got options and you need clarity

-You've got gifts and you are exploring how you want to serve and receive now

-You've got the passion but/and you need to direct it 

-You know you’re sensitive and you feel like you’re psychic but/and you are ready to tune-into your intuition deeper

-You are on the path but/and need a trauma-informed, body-based and spirit-lead container to get clear


signature private mentorship

Looking for longer term support and want to hire me as your personal Higher Self Embodiment Doula to supporting you in birthing the next level version of yourself, your relationships, your creativity and your purpose work that you can *feel* gestating within you now? (YUM!)

Explore our signature private mentorship programs and book your free clarity call to apply below.

On your clarity call we will discuss your Vision, Goals and Challenges to identify priority areas for strategic accountability, support and expansion, and determine which private mentorship program best meets your needs.

There is no way of easily describing how caring, loving, dedicated and joyful working with Sarah is. The attention to every facet of my development was handled with expertise and such kindness.

She listened to and was witness to tears, laughter and words that I never thought I would speak. It was a connection that was never forced, one that was lit up every time an encouraging or guiding word came along.

She helped me secure my rocky foundations, not by covering them up but by thanking the version of myself that had placed them there and showing me where to find that which made it solid. I am endlessly grateful for the fuel she gave me to light my fire.
— Helen, Private Mentorship Client

you know you're ready to self-initiate into higher self embodiment when . . . . . . .

  • You are finding yourself in habitual patterns of self-denial, self-abandonment and self-judgement that have you overworking, questioning your intuition and negotiating your worthiness which is getting in "the way" of what you're ready to birth for yourself and the world.

  • You feel a soul-level ache for a deeper connection with yourself but are feeling underwhelmed and undernourished in your self-care and spiritual practice - you are SO OVER THE TOPICAL AND COMMODIFIED VERSION OF SELF-CARE THAT SYSTEMS OF OPPRESSION PROFIT OFF OF!

  • You feel like you’re going through the motions vs engaging with your life as a living, waking, breathing ritual and non-linear spiritual journey of awakening and are ready to really, truly, embody your Ancient Future Self.

  • You are using outdated coping strategies to “manage” vs heal and grow and the playing small is starting to rub wrong, almost like a shoe that's too tight and you want deeply trauma-informed, body based and unapologetically spiritual space to take that shit offffffffffff.

  • There is a history of prioritizing other people’s needs over your own and now it's showing up as fear around embodying the truth of who you are because of what would happen, who you would lose and how your life would change if you were more Higher Self Expressed and want/need/are calling in some holy level help to scale some mountains in consciousness.

  • You are stuck in loops of self-doubt and are ready to meet your "blocks" as signed, sealed and divinely delivered invitations into the transformation that is calling you NOW, re-writing neural pathways and tuning, circuiting and plugging in the field of the mind into the heart and body at new levels of Higher Self-Realization.

for when you want and need a deeper level of support.