Your Mindset is Your Magick: Spring Cleaning for Internal and External Abundance

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 15: Your Mindset is your Magick: Spring Cleaning for Internal and External Abundance

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your March Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Somatic Movement and Journaling Practice.

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that gives you SPACE to move, express and take deep nourishing breaths. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompts:

  • How does the Wealthy, Healthy and Easeful Expression of me want to Move?

  • Where/how can I worship the Living Miracle of Abundance that is my Human Body?

  • Practice connecting to the earth with your movement as you Inhale Support and Belonging and Exhale and Discharge Fear, Doubt and Scarcity.

Somatic Journal Prompts/Activities:

  • Prompt 1: Write an empowering letter to yourself about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you feel your higher self and the divine calling you. 

  • Activity/Prompt 2: Block out a few hours for yourself this week to go spend time in nature, the creatures, the elements and your Higher Self. Notice your thoughts and feelings and write them down in your journal. This is what we call in the Blood, Bone and Honey Private Mentorship Program “The Conscious Dump.” Don’t Judge it, just let it out, perhaps exploring going between journaling, breathing and moving your body. Write from your blood, bones and breath for about 3 pages. Then from a compassionate Witness perspective, read back through your writing and circle what feels like the “tender treasure” of your personal task work right now. Find and name what’s outdated in order to transmute it. Consider it like cleaning out and taking inventory of the closets of your body, heart and mind so that you can create new space, ditch what you no longer need and reorganize.

  • Prompt 3: Based on what came through for Prompt 2, I invite you to ask yourself: What outdated stories and programs are out of Resonance with the truth of who I am as an expression of Abundance, Health, Wealth and Potential?

    For each of the outdated stories, write a new Higher Self Agreement in the form of beliefs that you’re ready to not only try on in consciousness but take action in alignment with.

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.