The Devotional Drip: The Myth of the Perfect Moment (Pst it's Now..)

Welcome to The Devotional Drip a blog and youtube series where you are invited to experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with your Higher Self across the altars of your personal and professional life.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring, "The Myth of the Perfect Moment"

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion and integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your Higher Self Embodiment December Practice Playlist

I Invite you to use the Practice Playlist and Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts to inspire your own sacred and somatic movement practice. Your movement practice can be whatever it needs to for you. Sacred and somatic movement are about the internal feeling tone of the movement vs how it “looks.”

I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing and authentic to you.

Once you feel complete, you can move on to your Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts:

  • What is shedding/burning/rinsing/releasing within me?

  • What is growing/blooming/emerging within me?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts:

  • What heart-truth, soul-truth and Higher Self Truth is Emerging from deep within me?

  • What am I being called to surrender on the path of liberation?

  • What basic needs do I need to meet for myself in order to create a safe and grounded container for my transformation?

  • What action do I feel inspired to take?

If you’d like to share your insights below, please do! It’s an honor to witness and celebrate your wisdom.

In Divine Love and Service,
