Episode 17: Consecrating your Free Will to the Divine Will of your Higher Self & Being Seen

The Devotional Drip is a free weekly Higher Self Embodiment and Personal Development Coaching Series for Visionaries, Creatives, Leaders and Lightworkers to Support you in Igniting your Higher Self Connection, Embodying your Higher Self Expression and Inspiring your Multidimensional Self-Care Practice across the altars of your personal and professional life. 

Below you’ll find the link to Episode 17: Consecrating your Free Will to the Divine Will of your Higher Self

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Somatic Journal & Movement Prompts below plus a Practice Playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time so that you can source your unique Higher Self Wisdom and apply it to your sacred, holy, human journey of Healing, Awakening & Becoming.

It’s an honor to walk with you.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Here is your April Practice Playlist. I Invite you to use this playlist to inspire your Spiritual Self-Care Practice this week including Somatic Movement and Journaling with your Higher Self.

I recommend clearing a space in your home or outside, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, adorning yourself in something that you can really move, groove and express in. Take a few deep nourishing belly breaths to arrive and then let your natural breath lead you through your writing and movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement or journaling as you feel called.

Above all, listen to your body’s wisdom. Write and move in a way that feels authentic, raw, real and nourishing. Close your eyes, tune in and let your breath and inner light guide you.

Somatic Movement Prompt:

  • Close your eyes and visualize a river of golden light running through your blood and bones. Let it be warm, nourishing, anointing and recognize it as the light and love of your Higher Self. Breathe with it, dance with it, let it move you and let yourself be moved by it for at least one song before dropping into journaling. Go for as long as you’d like. Let whatever needs to come forward to be EXPRESSED…BE EXPRESSED within the sovereignty, sacredness and sanctity of your Practice.

  • What is 1 way that you’ve alway wanted to move your body but due to self-judgement or fear that someone else would judge you for being “too much” or “not enough” you haven’t given yourself permission to fully explore….? Do it and DM me on instagram @bloodboneandhoney with how it goes ;)

  • For at least 1 song, do a Dance of Devotion with your Higher Self to somatically symbolize and tune all aspects of your consciousness in to your commitment to cultivating an even deeper Divine Union within you. In your movement, practice an unapologetic, uncensored, embodiment of your unique and multidimensional expression.

Somatic Journal Prompts:

  • What do I believe about the nature of Reality and My Life?

  • What am I Devoted to?

  • Where and how am I giving the currency of my consciousness to the truth of Unconditional Divine Love?

  • Where and how am I giving the currency of my consciousness to the disempowering program of Shame?

  • What self-talk have I been entertaining in my Mind, Body and Heart and does it feel good?

  • Where and how can I be in a more loving and compassionate self-dialogue?

  • What have I been tolerating in relationship that feels outdated?

  • What New Agreements need to be made in between me and my Higher Self within my personal life?

  • What New Agreements need to be made between me and my Higher Self within my professional life/vocation?

  • What identities, self-concepts, habits, routines and old ways of being and doing am I ready to shed?

  • What new conscious commitments am I ready to make?

  • What aspect of my Past Self within this Lifetime or Others wants to come forward and share wisdom to support my process of Higher Self Revelation and Realization? What do they have to say? What do they want to celebrate? What are they ready to receive quantum healing, compassion and forgiveness around?

Let me know in the comments below or on youtube how this lands for you!

Also if you’d like to share any insights on socials tag #devotionaldrip + @bloodboneandhoney so I can witness & celebrate you as you witness + celebrate your (Higher) Self.

You can check out The Devotional Drip Living Library of Higher Self Embodiment Transmissions here.
To apply to work with Sarah in a 1:1 Session or Private Coaching Container you can book your Complementary Clarity Call here.