The Devotional Drip: Awakening to Eternal, Unconditional + Divine Love from Within

Welcome to “The Devotional Drip” a blog and corresponding youtube series where we explore and experience a deeper, devotional, relationship with our Higher Self across the altars of our personal and professional lives. As we come into a next level of intimacy and familiarity with own inner voice of divine love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, discernment, grace, compassion, beauty, unlimited creativity, divine solutions and sovereignty (Our Higher Self) we remember, we are both the key and the keeper and the answers we’ve been looking for can be found when we are willing to go within and listen.

On Today’s Devotional Drip we are exploring awakening to eternal & unconditional Divine love from within.

I channeled this transmission around the Libra 2021 New Moon so there is big focus on revolutionizing our relationships with self, others & the divine through devotion to living from the eternal love of the heart so that we can create more beauty + harmony in our lives but is delivered in a way to be relevant no matter what point you come across this in your journey of self-actualization, spiritual-maturity, spiritual-awakening & Higher Self Embodiment.

Before diving into the video, I invite you to create some quiet, intentional and sacred space for yourself as an act of self-love. I suggest that you silence your phone, support your body, get a journal and something to write with, pour yourself a glass of water and perhaps light a candle &/ or some incense and create an intentional space to receive: both the messages in this video and from your own Higher Self.

Once you complete the video, i’ve provided you with Higher Self Embodiment Journal and Movement Prompts below plus a playlist to support you in a deeper level of reception, digestion & integration of what is coming forward for you at this time.

In-joy, Earth Angel!

Higher Self Embodiment Movement Prompts: Here is your playlist. Use this playlist + movement prompts below to inspire your own “sacred movement practice.” Your sacred movement practice can look, feel or be whatever it needs to for you. I recommend clearing a space, perhaps rolling out a yoga mat, putting on some comfy clothes and letting the prompts below inspire your movement. You can spend as much or as little time exploring each prompt through movement as you feel called. It could be for 1 song, it could be for 3 or more. The movement can be big or small, fast or slow, listen to your bodies wisdom and the kind of movement that feels self-nourishing. Once you feel complete, you can move on to the journal prompts in the next section below to hone in on your unique Higher Self Messages for this cycle and season.

  • What does the presence of Divine Love within me feel like?

  • When I move from heart, what kind of beauty do I create with my body & breath?

  • What does faith + devotion in & to Divine Love look like/feel like in the form of movement?

  • Where/how can I surrender to let Divine Love & My Higher Self hold + guide me in my movement?

Higher Self Embodiment Journal Prompts: In a journal, answer the following prompts below.

  1. How am I currently showing up to the altar of the relationship with myself & what offerings am I bringing that I want to celebrate?

  2. How am I being called to deepen my relationship with myself, especially the parts of myself that are screaming out for Higher Self attention & an anointing of Divine love NOW?

  3. How am I showing up to the altar of my personal, cultivated, relationship with the Divine/My Higher Self & what offerings am I bringing/devotions am I making to that currently?

  4. How am I now ready to deepen my relationship with the Divine/My Higher Self so that I can surrender & receive a next level of the Divine love + guidance that is available to me in all moments, always?

  5. How am I showing up to the altars of my relationships with others & what offerings am I bringing that I want to celebrate?

  6. What is now clear that I need to make a devotion to doing/being/embodying/speaking in terms of my relationship with others so that I can operate from a place of sovereignty, presence, co-creation, communion & connection that is interdependent vs codependent?

If you’d like, share what came through for you in the comments altar to join the conversation + connect with other members of the Blood, Bone & Honey coven.

Ps. Here is the practice I spoke of in the video, “Beginning Anew.” I told you it was well worn, lol! You can also access it here.
